The department has a well qualified and experienced faculty. The curriculum of this department is designed to meet the present industry's needs. Students learn different mechanisms of machines, strength of materials, designs of various elements, production processes etc. The department has a huge central workshop consisting of Machine shop, Smithy shop, Welding shop, Carpentry shop, Fitting shop, Sheet Metal shop as well as other fully developed labs notably Automobile, CAD / CAM, Fluid Machinery , Refrigeration & Air Conditioning , Heat & Mass Transfer (HMT), Mechanics of Machines, Material Science & Testing , Applied Thermodynamics , backed up by two well equipped Drawing halls.
The faculty actively participates in sponsored research and consultancy work, seminars/conferences and short-term courses. The teaching and research programs in the department are organized according to both disciplinary and interdisciplinary themes. The department covers all the core disciplinary areas of mechanical engineering including dynamics, controls, solid mechanics, materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, production and design.